Ainsworth TaeKwonDo

Improving physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

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was the noted monk who brought Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year of 686 A.D.

  1. ¼ turn left, left L-stance, left C block (twin forearm block)
  2. (Hold position) right high inward strike to neck while bringing left fist to shoulder
  3. Left L-stance, left upper lunge punch
  4. Bring left foot to right foot, step out to right L-stance, right C block (twin forearm block)
  5. (Hold position) left high inward strike to neck while bringing right fist to shoulder
  6. Right L-stance, right upper lunge punch
  7. Slide right foot to left, ¼ turn right, left foot in the air, bending ready stance
  8. Left side kick, step down forward
  9. Left L-stance, left double knife attack (SudoMoke)
  10. ½ turn right, right L-stance, right double knife attack (SudoMoke)
  11. ½ turn left, left L-stance, left double knife attack (SudoMoke)
  12. Right walking stance, right spear finger KI-HAP
  13. ¾ turn left, left L-stance, left C block (twin forearm block)
  14. (Hold position) right high inward strike to neck while bringing left fist to shoulder
  15. Left L-stance, left upper lunge punch
  16. Bring left foot to right foot, step out to right L-stance, right C block (twin forearm block)
  17. (Hold position) left high inward strike to neck while bringing right fist to shoulder
  18. Right L-stance, right upper lunge punch
  19. Keeping right arm extended, move right foot to left, ¼ turn left, left walking stance, right circle block
  20. Keep arm in same position, right middle front kick
  21. Step down to right walking stance, left middle punch
  22. (Hold position) left circle block
  23. Keep arm in same position, left middle front kick
  24. Step down to left walking stance, right middle front punch
  25. Slide right foot to left, ¼ turn right, right foot in the air, bending ready stance
  26. Right side kick, step down forward
  27. ¾ turn left, left fighting stance
  28. Left foot to right foot, right foot, step out into right fighting stance

Left foot back to ready position


835 Park St, Ainsworth, IA


(319) 430-1071