Ainsworth TaeKwonDo

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is named after the famous Kwang-Gae-Toh-Wang, the 19th King of the Koguryo Dynasty, who regained all the lost territories including the greater part of Manchuria. The diagram (+) represents the expansion and recovery of lost territory. The 39 movements refer to the first two figures of 391 A.D., the year he came to the throne.

  1. Big circle with hands while raising left leg as high as you can. lowering arms and foot together to right hand chop in left palm
  2. Step forward left walking stance, slow motion right twisting middle punch
  3. Step forward right walking stance, slow motion left twisting middle punch
  4. Hop to right L-stance, right wrist grab
  5. Step back to left L-stance, left lower sudomoke
  6. Hop to left L-stance, left wrist grab
  7. Step back to right L-stance, right lower sudomoke
  8. Step forward, left chicken stance, mini left sudomoke
  9. Step forward, right chicken stance, mini right sudomoke
  10. Step left foot over right, ½ turn left, leftwalking stance, double vertical palm press (slow motion)
  11. Step right foot forward to right walking stance, left palm press (slow motion)
  12. Left foot to right, hands big circle above head ending with right hand chop in left palm
  13. Lower left side kick
  14. Middle left side kick, step down to left L-stance (13 & 14 in consecutive kick)
  15. Pivot to walking stance while executing right knife hand attack to neck with left fist at right shoulder
  16. Move left foot to right while executing left hammer fist
  17. Lower right kick
  18. Middle right kick, step down to right L-stance (17 & 18 in consecutive kick)
  19. Pivot to walking stance while executing left knife hand attack to neck with right fist at left shoulder
  20. Move right foot to left while executing right hammer fist
  21. Left foot forward to right hand double pressing block (slow motion)
  22. Right foot forward to left hand double pressing block (slow motion)
  23. ½ turn right L-stance right back fist
  24. Pivot to walking stance right double fore arm block (san suke)
  25. Hop backwards open hand down block
  26. Hop forward spear thrust to eyes
  27. ½ turn left L-stance left back fist
  28. Pivot to walking stance left double fore arm block (san suke)
  29. Hop backwards open hand down block
  30. Hop forward spear thrust to eyes
  31. Right foot forward stomp with double shovel punch
  32. ¼ left with left foot stomp with double shovel punch
  33. Right front kick step down in front with hands remaining in position step 32
  34. Step left foot forward pivot ½ into right double knife hand (sudomaki)
  35. Left foot to left upper punch
  36. Right stomp with double shovel punch
  37. Left front kick step down in walking stance with remaining in position step 36
  38. Step right foot forward pivot ½ into left double knife hand (sudomaki)
  39. Right foot to right upper punch (Ki Hap)

Bring left foot to ready position


835 Park St, Ainsworth, IA


(319) 430-1071