Ainsworth TaeKwonDo

Improving physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

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is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Ch'ang-Ho (1876-1938), who devoted his life to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.

  1. ¼ turn left, left L-stance, high left outer middle block
  2. Pivoting to left walking stance, right middle punch
  3. Box step turn, right L-stance, high right outer middle block
  4. Pivoting to right walking stance, left middle punch
  5. Moving left foot ¼ turn left, left L-stance, double knife hand (SudoMoke)
  6. Step forward, right walking stance, right spear finger (Kwan Su) KI-HAP
  7. Twist right hand to palm downward, ½ turn left, left L-stance, left back fist
  8. Step forward, right L-stance, right back fist
  9. ¾ turn left, left L-stance, high left outer middle block
  10. Pivot to left walking stance, right middle punch
  11. ½ turn right, right L-stance, high right outer middle block
  12. Pivoting to right walking stance, left middle punch
  13. 3/8 turn left, left walking stance, high wedge block
  14. While keeping hands same position, right front kick, step forward, right walking stance
  15. (Hold position) left middle punch
  16. (Hold position) right middle punch (15&16 in fast motion)
  17. ½ turn right, right walking stance, high wedge block
  18. While keeping hands same position, left front kick, step forward, left walking stance
  19. (Hold position) right middle punch
  20. (Hold position) left middle punch (19&20 in fast motion)
  21. 1/8 turn left, left walking stance, left upper block
  22. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper block
  23. ¾ turn left, ridding horse stance, left hand neck attack (MokeChiki)
  24. Slide left foot to right & right foot out to ridding horse stance, right hand neck attack (MokeChiki)

Left foot back to ready position


835 Park St, Ainsworth, IA


(319) 430-1071