Ainsworth TaeKwonDo

Improving physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

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is named after the holy Tan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year of 2333 B.C.

  1. ¼ turn left, left L-stance, left double knife hand (SudoMoke)
  2. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper punch
  3. ½ turn right, right L-stance, right double knife hand (SudoMoke)
  4. Step forward, left walking stance, left upper punch
  5. ¼ turn left, left walking stance, left low block
  6. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper punch
  7. Step forward, left walking stance, left upper punch
  8. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper punch KI-HAP
  9. ¾ turn left, left L-stance, left C block (twin forearm block)
  10. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper punch
  11. ½ turn right, right L-stance, right C block (twin forearm block)
  12. Step forward, left walking stance, left upper punch
  13. ¼ turn left, left walking stance, left low block
  14. (Hold position) left upper block (13&14 continuous motion)
  15. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper block
  16. Step forward, left walking stance, left upper block
  17. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper block KI-HAP
  18. ¾ turn left, left L-stance, left hand neck attack (MokeChiki)
  19. Step forward, right walking stance, right upper punch
  20. ½ turn right, right L-stance, right hand neck attack (MokeChiki)
  21. Step forward, left walking stance, left upper punch

Left foot back to ready position


835 Park St, Ainsworth, IA


(319) 430-1071