Ainsworth TaeKwonDo

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was the name given to the great Admiral Yi Sun Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armoured battleship, the Kobukson, which was the precursor to the present day submarine, in 1592 A.D. The reason why this pattern ends in a left hand attack is to symbolize his regrettable death, having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality, checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the king.

  1. Move left foot ¼ turn, L-stance, open hand C block
  2. Right foot step forward to walking stance, right knife attack & left open hand upper block
  3. Move right foot ½ turn right, L-stance, sudomoke
  4. Left foot step forward into walking stance, high left spear finger
  5. Move left foot ¼ turn left, L-stance, sudomoke
  6. Turn back lifting right foot forming bending ready stance
  7. Right foot middle side kick
  8. Put right foot down and turn forward into L-stance sudomoki
  9. Execute flying side kick with right foot in double position, landing in a L-stance sudomoki
  10. Move left foot ¾ turn into L-stance lower block
  11. Move left foot to walking stance, extending both hands as if to grab opponent’s head
  12. Right knee attack bringing opponent's head downward
  13. Place right foot next to left, ½ turn left, left walking stance, right ridge hand & left hand moves to below right bicep (palm down)
  14. Right round house then lower right foot to left
  15. Left leg side kick (13 & 14 in fast motion)
  16. Left leg lowers into L-stance, fighting stance
  17. Left middle round house kick
  18. Lower left foot next to right foot, move right foot to L-stance, right staff block
  19. Leaping CCW 360 degree turn, land in same spot, L-stance, right sudomoke
  20. Left foot step forward into walking stance, right spear finger to groin
  21. Pivot to L-stance left lower block & right back fist while pulling left foot back
  22. Right foot step forward into walking stance, right middle spear finger
  23. Move left foot ¾ turn left, walking stance, double forearm block
  24. Move right foot ¼ turn left, ridding horse stance, right side hammer and then right back fist
  25. ½ turn left, right side kick
  26. ½ turn right, left side kick
  27. Lower foot ½ turn right, L-stance, X block
  28. Left foot step forward, walking stance, double upper palm block
  29. Box step turn, walking stance, upper block
  30. Maintain position, left middle punch Kl-HAP

Bring left foot to ready position


835 Park St, Ainsworth, IA


(319) 430-1071